About Us!!
Star Kids organisation is a private coaching centre for SPECIAL CHILD'S. Where physically and mentally disabilities children are studied with utmost care. This organisation has been working with respect since 10 years and they have gave laughter on face of many parents. If you have any queries so please call us..
Our goal
The ultimate goal of AHEAD is to create a society where there is an attitude of Inclusion – a society where person who are differently able are accepted and can live with dignity and sense of belonging.
Through process of structured development, we aim to draw attention to the physical, social, economic, cultural and attitudinal barriers that affects everyday lives of PWD (persons with disabilities).
We want to reverse the current social exclusions experienced by PWD through civil dialogues, partnership, capacity building, education, training, persuasion and advocacy.
Social attitude and stigma play an important role in limiting the opportunities for the disabled.Through our community involvement programs, we are raising awareness for `social inclusions’.
It is important to work for the total rehabilitations of the children with disabilities so that, in future, they don’t become a burden to their families and societies and are able to live a full and independent life.
AHEAD is in a position to not only provide education to these children but also provide therapy and rehabilitation in a barrier free environment in a holistic way.
"My Ability is greater than my Disability"